Sexy Chinese Woman

Why That Sexy Chinese Woman Might Not Really Be Sexy

Want to date a sexy Chinese woman?  Make sure you can enjoy your Chinese dating life by being aware of some…nasty surprises.

“what do you mean by ‘nasty’?”

China’s culture is very different than yours in ways that shock every new expat in China.  Know what to expect to decide if dating a Chinese woman is for you.


What You Might Notice During The Dinner

Let’s say you take her out for some barbeque ribs.  You and your date both sit down (hopefully next to one another.)  When the food comes you pleasantly show her to eat ribs.

When you leave her to her own devices, you’ll notice her loudly chewing and then spitting on the table (what the heck?)

Many Mainlanders (people from Mainland China) don’t take pieces out of their mouths gracefully.  Instead they just spit it out on the table.


Let’s say you want to ask her to stop spitting on the table.  Chances are she would talk back with a full mouth.  You’d get to see exactly how much rib she can chew in one go!

So let’s say this table manners don’t bother you (good for you.)  You manage to take her back to your place for some ‘tea’.

Is it all smooth sailing from there?

Not really.


What Can Happen In The Bedroom…

Sexy Chinese Woman In Bedroom

So you bring her back to your place.

You ask for her take off her shoes…only to notice that she’s wearing long socks with sandals!

You wonder how you didn’t catch this funky fashion (second to wearing crocs at a bar) before…

In any case let’s say you start getting more intimate and actually bring her back to the bedroom.

What are some little surprises that your sexy Chinese woman will have for you?

Unshaven armpits – Many Mainland women keep their armpit hair.  Even though it might be all the rage in China…it might turn you off.

In fact you’re lucky if that’s the only place that has hair where it shouldn’t.

Greasy hair – As you make out, you put your hands through her hair and notice that your hand comes out all wet!  Sure it’s not that bad but still…it’s something you can expect.


Get An Expat In China’s Stories!

Expat Dating Coach ‘Kane Vast’ with PickupAsia shares some shocking things you might experience during your dates. Listen in as we share some shocking stories and if the rumors are true.

Things that might happen to you

  •  a nasty surprise (01:00)
  • what she might say that will shock you (03:40)
  • what is “polite” in China but not in your house (05:10)
  • something her parents might expect (07:15)


“Do All Hot Mainland Women Do This?”

Not really…Most Mainland ladies who would do the above come from 2nd tier cities or from China’s farming communities.

Understand that even though China’s economy has boomed – culturally it is still lagging.  When you date a woman from China chances are that you’ll have to
deal with it.

Welcome to the Chinese expats who’ve resigned to just saying “Ah, China…” 😉

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