Wondering what dating Taiwan girls is like?
After living in the Orient for 7 years my friends and I all agree – dating in Taiwan is great!
There are a lot of benefits that are worth mentioning that you won’t find in other parts of Asia.
When you’re with a Taiwanese woman chances are that her family and herself will be open-minded towards interracial dating (this is something that you might not find in Korea – for example.)
So why do we love Taiwan? Here’s why!
Taiwanese Girls Speak English
One thing you can appreciate about Taiwanese women is that they speak English (for the most part.)
Granted – if you go to Taiwan’s capital ‘Taipei’ you’ll notice it a lot more. If you find yourself in the smaller cities (like Kaohshiung or Taichung) it might not be as available.
So you don’t need to speak Mandarin to meet and date a Taiwanese woman. Talk about a life saver!
They’ve Been Exposed To Western Culture
Taiwanese people grew up exposed to the West more than any other country in East Asia (except for maybe Hong Kong.)
Also many Taiwanese girls have been through university and have a hobby or two. In fact you’ll find Taiwanese dating to be more fun than you thought!
Most of them are well-educated and you will find yourself having more ‘Western-style’ conversations with them (debating, current affairs,etc…)
This is great because you’ll have less of a cultural transition to make than if you were meeting someone from Mainland China (for example.)
So besides interacting and dating Taiwanese girls – let’s talk about why we recommend Taiwan!
Taiwan Has a Lot Going For It
Most expats who’ve lived in Taiwan appreciate how friendly the people are. I personally find Taiwanese to be outgoing and sociable. This is quite rare in Asia outside of…say…Thailand (known for smiling locals and such.) This is especially true in Taipei and with meeting Taipei women!
The country itself is also quite cheap. You can live in Taiwan for around US$1000 if you wanted to. You wouldn’t be able to do that in Hong Kong or Japan. So your dates with her won’t break the bank. Not only that but Taiwanese women are so sweet that they’ll invite you to things too!
The weather is nice. Aside from the rain in Taipei the weather can be very nice. In fact if you enjoy the sunshine and warm weather then Taiwan is for you!
Taiwanese Women Are So Chill
I’ve never experienced this before in Asia. Women in Taiwan will invite you to things and even contact you!
Now don’t get me wrong – if you’re good-looking and have women contacting you already then you’ll just get more of it. As for the rest of us…this is awesome!
The first time a girl took me to local restaurants and pro-actively led the date…I was shocked. You’ll never get this treatment in Korea or Hong Kong…even Thai women might not do this for you.
After dating women from so many different countries – I can’t describe how enjoyable it is to be with a woman from Taiwan.
But Wait…What Else Should I Know?
After living in Taiwan for more than 3 months now…I find Taiwanese women to be traditional when it came to dating. Granted there is a bigger subculture that is into inter-cultural relationships but I’d say that 1 out of 20 of the people you’ll find in Taiwan date interracially. This comes from my personal observations of walking around the city and the occurrences at which I spot couples.
Enjoy Dating Taiwan Girls!
You have every reason to enjoy Taiwan and her women. To make sure you get the most out of your dating life then take my 9-Step Meeting To Dating Asian Women self-study course. All you have to do is put your first name and email in the boxes below and you’ll get started.