Pretty Asian Women

Chat Up Pretty Asian Women With These 3 Practical Tips!

Pretty Asian women surround you because you live in Asia.  Whether you live in Seoul or Shanghai you can’t get enough of them!

What if you could take it a bit further?  What if you could actually talk to them?

Rest easy because now you can!  I’ve been chatting up Asian ladies successfully in places from Bangkok to Hong Kong as a first-time expat.  You too can enjoy yourself more with these simple and genuine ways to start a conversation.

Keep in mind – gorgeous Asian women do want to talk to you.  They just need an excuse to.  Let’s give them one!


Prefer To Listen?

Sit back and relax as RedpoleQ (with PickupAsia) and I talk about how to start a conversation with a pretty Asian woman.


Chat Tip #1 – Be in a Gift-Buying Mood

What do you mean?  I mean that whenever you go out consider getting a gift for your friend or family member.

What does this have to do with meeting beautiful Asian women?

Chat Tip #1 – Be in a Gift-Buying Mood Pretty Asian Woman

When you see a pretty woman from Asia look for something interesting about her.

Maybe she has a unique bonnet.

Perhaps her handbag is extra large or has a funny picture.

In any case she would have something that might be a good gift for someone you know.

This is great because you can start a conversation about it.

For example if she has a unique bag you can ask her where she got it.

She would love to talk about her favorite subject: herself.  😉

If she responds with ‘why do you ask?’ you can say that you are looking for a gift for your mother (or friend) and was curious.

Are you lying?  Not really – you’re flirting! And you’re always in the lookout for a cool gift for someone, right?

So keep your eyes open for anything interesting about her.  You can then strike a conversation based on that.

What else can you do?


Chat Tip #2 – Get To Know Your Town!

Lose yourself in your town.  Have the pretty Asian women help you find your way.

If you know the main areas in your town ask for where there might be some cool things in your area.

Chat Tip #2 – Get To Know Your Town Pretty Asian Woman

For example if you are on the subway and are looking for a restaurant – look for a pretty Asian woman and ask her for a recommendation.

Again pretty Asian women love talking about themselves and what they like (who doesn’t?)

If you’re feeling bold you might even ask her to join you there for dinner. 😉

You win because you both chat up pretty Asian women with a genuine interest AND you learn more about your town.

You discover what’s popular and where people hang out.

Note: Want to know where the sexiest Asian women are in YOUR city?  Click on the link to find out!

What else can you do?


Chat Tip #3 – Study The Language

Benefit from the obvious – you boost your ability to communicate with pretty Asian women.

You also benefit because you have another solid (and genuine) excuse for chatting up that pretty lady from Asia.  Grab a dictionary or have something on your phone and ask her what that certain word means.  You can even ask her how to say it.

Depending on the type of beautiful Asian women you chat up you might even find her impressed enough to chat YOU up!  Click on the link to discover more about the categories of women from Asia.

Can you do this? Sure!  Here’s why these chatting tips are great!


Why These Tips Work

You can be genuine.  You are an expat and genuinely want answers to the questions you’re asking.

This puts you at peace when you chat up Asian ladies.  It also gives you plausible deniability.

Benefit from having an escape route.  Let’s say she isn’t in the mood or is too embarrassed (happens a lot in Asia) to talk to you – how can you both save face?

If she turns you down you are okay because you were just asking for her opinion or directions.  It’s all good right?  Here’s how to limit the communication barrier.

Keep the language to a basic level.  With these chatting tips above you can keep the language basic.  Simple “where is ‘so-and-so'” or “where did you get that purse” questions can be asked in grade 4 English.

You can also use your body language to ask those questions.  Keep it easy for her and chances are she’ll chat with you (good news!) 😉


Get All The Tools To Chat Up Pretty Asian Women

Live in Asia?  Get everything you need to go from chatting to dating Asian women.

Check out  the ONLY pickup company in Asia ‘‘. You will learn how to be yourself and bring pretty Asian women in your life.

You can learn from PickupAsia in whichever host country you’re in.  So give yourself a chance and click on the link!

Note that I have learned from them and am affiliated with them.  Why?  Because I’ve seen the dating coach ‘RedpoleQ’ help guys in Osaka, Seoul and more.

Let him help you too.