Beautiful Asian Ladies Want

What Do Beautiful Asian Ladies Want?

Want beautiful Asian ladies addicted to you?

Give yourself an edge over all those other guys who are into her with what you’re about to discover!

Let’s get into the mind of a beautiful Asian woman (one who has options) and find out what can make you unique in her mind (and heart.)

A woman from Asia is no different than any woman.  She wants

  • emotions
  • trust
  • companionship
  • security
  • acceptance

The only difference is: how can you show these traits to a gorgeous woman from Asia in a way that would make her want you?


Give Her Emotions

Beautiful Asian Ladies Emotions

Asian women also want to feel emotions.

A good-looking guy’s face gives her emotions (lust).

To ride in a nice car gives her emotions (anticipation and excitement).

How does that help you?  What if you don’t have the good looks or the nice car?  What if you do you but you want her to like you for other reasons?

Let’s get you giving her emotions too.  Now as an expat your different physical appearance might give her enough emotions (intrigue) to want to talk to you.

Otherwise other emotions you can give her are

  • joy
  • lust
  • anticipation
  • …more

For more on how give you a shot with a beautiful Asian lady check out this link!

So she feels something for you enough to want to be with you (i.e. attraction) what else does she want from you?


Can She Trust You?

Want any beautiful Asian woman to date you?  She has to trust you first.

The main reason beautiful Asian ladies don’t date expats as much is because they don’t trust them.  They take expat men to be ‘playboys’ and so are scared about trusting the guy with their feelings.

How can she trust you?

Reassure her with stories about things you will do together in the future.  If you are on a date with her and would like to do things with her later on in your potential relationship?  Let her know – or even more…actually do it!

For example if you both walk by a fun-looking restaurant you can suggest that ‘next time’ you will both go there.  This lets her know that you do have plans to be with her in the future.

Also let her trust you by staying true to your words.  For example if you have a date at 7:30pm then be on time.  This reliability allows her to feel safe to trust you.

What’s more…


Let Her Get To Know You

A powerful tool you have in your arsenal is ‘rapport’.  This is your edge that most handsome rich guys don’t have – your ability to relate to her.

Is she sharing a story about her childhood?  Great!  She’s screaming to you to share one too.  Why?  That gives you more than just something in common – it gives you the chance to feel like you’re on the same wavelength.

This is crucial because you’re from different cultures and backgrounds. If she has something that you can relate to (a story, an item of clothing, etc…) then do the both of you a favor – share it with her.

What else do beautiful Asian ladies want from you?

They want to feel secure around you.  So can she?


Can She Feel Secure Around You?

Most articles about beautiful Asian ladies tell you that they want guys with social status.  They don’t tell you why.

So get ready to discover ‘why’:  Your Asian lady wants to feel secure around you.  She wants to know that if something bad happens to her that you’ll take care of her.

In Asia a woman loses her value once she hits 30 years of age.  She also loses her value if she has had a child or doesn’t give the impression of being ‘a virgin’.

Note: when I say ‘lose her value’ I mean that most Asian guys won’t want to date or marry her.  So chances are they’d abandon her.

Where does that leave you? With a solid advantage!  Show her that she can feel secure around you with

  • opening doors for her
  • walking arm in arm with her (as ‘protection’)
  • asking her via text if she ‘got home safely’ after your date

In the West you can come across as ‘too nice a guy’ if you do these things.  In Asia it is still seen as ‘gentlemanly’ and does re-assure her.

Got it?   😉

And now the piece that puts it all together…


Do You Accept Her?

Beautiful Asian ladies might look like angels…but are they?

More importantly – are you okay with them not being ‘innocent little doves’?

People are people and we all have “naughty” sides to us.  Would you accept her “naughty” side?

If she told you that she’s had 25 boyfriends before you – would you judge her?  Or if she told you about the time she lied to her parents…would you label her a ‘liar’?

Or would you be open to hearing her reasoning and accepting that you too have done things that others might view as ‘wrong’?  Would you even build more rapport with her as you share a similar story of your own?

If you can hold back from judging her she will feel more attached to you than any other rich handsome guy out there.  You will give her something that most guys will never give her – acceptance.


Beautiful Asian Ladies Are People Too

They have the looks but they also have the longings too.  Get good at sharing these 5 traits with Asian women and watch your dating life soar!

Not sure where to start with meeting Asian women in Asia? Click on the link for 3 ways to start meeting Asian women now!

Enjoy yourself. 😉